5 lb Red or Yukon gold potatoes, peeled and shredded (use a food processor if you have one)
6 slice thick-cut bacon, cooked until crispy (reserve fat)
1 md onion, shredded
7 lg eggs, beaten
1 can evaporated milk (12 oz)
1 Tbsp salt, or more to taste
pepper, to taste (I use about 1 tsp)
sour cream, to top
1. Cook bacon until crispy. Set aside to cool and let the bacon fat cool as well. When bacon is cool, chop finely in a food processor.
2. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Beat eggs, milk, salt, and pepper, as well as the reserved bacon fat.
3. Add bacon and mix well.
4. Peeled potatoes should be shredded as the last step to keep them from turning color. Shred onion with the potato. Mix potatoes/onion with the egg mixture completely.
5. Pour into a greased baking dish. (I used a 10 x 15.)
6. Bake and test for doneness at 1 hour. Like a cake, it will pull from the sides of the pan and a knife should come out clean.
7. Slice and serve with sour cream on top. This can also be sliced thin and fried with butter as a side with eggs for breakfast.